Saturday, May 23, 2015

Roguaholic - Project is now Complete!

Roguaholic is finally complete! You can play and download the full version HERE. (Windows, Mac and Linux)

Gameplay screenshot

I'm also testing something new, a WebGL build. There is a HTML player on the game page and the game should work just like the standalone client. I can't seem to find the solution for a bug where if you click outsite the game window, you can't get it focused again and reloading the page is necessary.

The final version of the game has all the previous features and more:
Endless gameplay with increasing difficulty.
Online leaderboards for GameJolt users.

Hover over an Item or Floor Status to see its description.
New health representation besides hitpoints number.
Gamelog fixed, lines should be wrap inside the box.
Toggle Sound button. (not working on HTML build)

4 Floor modifiers: 
Darkness - Lights off.
Inverse Controls - Horizontal is now Vertical.
Trippy - Each step you get random + hitpoints. (Random range is -5 to +5)
Double Sized Floor - Double the floor size, also the walls and food.

4 Achievements:
Immortal (Bronze) - Player's health higher than 300 hitpoints.
Score Freak (Silver) - Player's score higher than 100.000 points.
Underworld (Gold) - Get to the 30th floor.
Full Set Knigt (Platinum) - Equip the full set of items.

5 Items:
Helmet - Increases the light radius for darkness floors. Durability: Inifinite.
Armor  - Regenerates 10 health everytime you reach an exit from a floor. Durabilty: 3 floors.
Boots   - Prevents damage taken from walking. Durability: 20 steps.
Shield  - Absorbs 20 damage from enemies. Durability 20 damage.
Sword  - Double your attack damage, one hit walls. Durability: 5 attacks.

2 Enemies:
Skeleton - Attacks for 10 damage.
Necromancer - Attacks for 20 damage.

Thanks everyone who supported and watched the developement of the game live. I appreciate every comment and feedback.
Again, this game is based on this TUTORIAL

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Roguaholic - First build released!

Roguaholic first build is available for download HERE

The core mechanics of the game are working but some components like sound effects, large number of items and floor modifications/sizes are still missing. That being said, the game can become repetitive faster than intended for now. I'd appreciate any kind of feedback to the game, since it's the first build.

First build, featuring:

  • 2 floor modifiers (darkness and inverse controls)
  • 4 achievements (bronze, silver, gold and platinum)
  • Endless gameplay, survive as long as you can
  • Inventory UI with mouse hover to see item descriptions and a game log at the bottom of the screen
  • 5 items, one for each body equipment slot
  • 2 kinds of enemies
  • Online GameJolt leaderscores board, make an account and get to the top
I'm still streaming the development of this game live at, follow to watch me live!

I had some major issues with the WebGL version, so the HTML player won't be available until I sort it out. The standalone client on the other hand is working perfectly as intended.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Roguaholic and TwitchTV

This update post has two exciting news, I'm currently working on a project called Roguaholic AND streaming it live. Roguaholic is a simple 2D turn based roguelike game where you need to reach the exit of each level/room while picking up items, gathering food and avoiding evil creatures. 
Roguaholic banner
The goal is survive as long as you can. In order to do that you need to keep in mind that each step you take costs your life, I mean.. literally. The rules are pretty simple:  
  • Each step costs 1 hitpoints.
  • You can't attack the enemies, you need to avoid them.
  • Move towards the skull boxes twice to destroy them. If you are lucky, sometimes you'll get a reward for that.
  • There is a small inventory that automatically equips every item you get. Hover the mouse over them to see the item description. The little number over the items represent their durability, if that number reaches zero, they break.
  • There is a score system to reward every action you make, the game score system is connected to GameJolt Leaderboards page, so your score will be on the online ranking.

After a certain level, each room has a chance to get a modifier to it. For now there are just two of them, Darkness and Inverse Controls.
Level Status: Darnkess

 It's a really simple project inspired on the Roguelike Unity Tutorial. It's a lot less complex compared to Sisters and it should be complete very soon.
I've been streaming the development of the game live on TwitchTV, stop by sometime to chat or just listen to some music. Follow the channel to know when I'm online!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sisters v2.1 - Hotfix Patch!

Hello everybody,

Sisters 2.1 hotfix patch is correcting some bugs from 2.0 and some major changes on lighting and vision.

I finally added fog and adjusted the game brightness, everything is clearer and less pitch dark. There are some changes I need to apply to balance the game now, but it won't be on this patch.

Patch notes:
- Increased the brightness
- Added fog
- Fixed typos
- Trigger and timers adjustments
- Music and sound tweaks
- Minor changes.

This is what the game looks like right now.
The cemetery - you can notice the fog and see much further than before

Link to download: